For years, Judy and I marched as majorettes with the Oddfellows band in the church's annual summer parade from the Sharpstreet Methodist Church to the mill and back, ending with a fish fry at the church. The mill is no longer there, nor is the Oddfellows' band, and the Sandy Spring Civic Association sponsors the annual parade. Now it starts at the high school and ends at the church.
The fish fry tradition carries on, though the sandwiches are not as tasty as when Uncle George was donating his fresh catch and frying them up. "Aw, that you!", my mother would say to him, indicating that she thought he was a "fish fryin' trick!" My cousin Joy, in center photo above, is holding a placard with his picture with the word, "Service." Her husband, Larry, is at upper right, holding the Civic Association banner.
The majorettes are different now, too, and have a lot of moves that Judy & I would never have dreamed of doing.